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Zarske. (1996). Zum Fund der Nase (Chondrostoma nasus) im oberen Elbgebiet (Vol. 20).
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Zerrath, H. (1996). Sprintleistung einheimischer Klein- und Jungfische in Sohlgleitmodellen – Daten zur Bewertung von Fischaufstiegshilfen (Vol. 9).
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Manly, B. F. J. (1996). Are there Clumps in Body-Size Distributions? (Vol. 77).
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Ledford, A. W., & Tawn, J. A. (1996). Statistics for near independence in multivariate extreme values (Vol. 83).
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Mayer, D. G., Berlward, J. A., & Burrage, K. (1996). Use of Advanced Techniques to Optimize a Multi-dimensional Dairy Model (Vol. 50).
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Mertz, G., & Myers, R. A. (1996). An extended cohort analysis: incorporating the effect of seasonal catches (Vol. 53).
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Silvert, W. (1996). Size-aggregation in models of aquatic ecosystems (Vol. 183).
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