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Akamine, T. (1990). An interval estimation of Leslie's method in removal methods.
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Akamine, T., Kishino, H., & Hiramatsu, K. (1992). Non-biased interval estimation of Leslie's removal method.
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Akamine, T. (1993). A new standard formula for seasonal growth of fish in population dynamics (Vol. 59).
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Akamine, T., & Matsumiya, Y. (1992). Mathematical analysis of age-length key method for estimating age composition from length composition.
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Wang, Y., Mervyn, R. T., & Somers, I. F. (1995). A maximum likelihood approach for estimating growth from tag-recapture data (Vol. 52).
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Matthews, K. (1973). Vermessungskunde (Auszug) (0thVol. 2). Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner.
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Schüle, W. (1987). Flußdiagramm zur Bestimmung eines adäquaten statistischen Prüfverfahrens im Bereich der parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Grundlagenstatistik (S. Siegel, Ed.). Eschborn: Fachbuchhandlung für Psychologie ^.
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Tipping, J. M. (1994). Measuring fish by video image processing (Vol. 56).
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Reger, K. H. (1987). Über die Flußperlmuschel.
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Labelle, M. (1994). A likelihood method for estimating Pacific salmon escapement based on fence counts and mark-recapture data (Vol. 51).
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