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Schröder, W. (1998). Die oberbergische Agger – ein Lebensraum für Fische? (Vol. 2).
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Gerdeaux, D. (1987). (Review of methods of estimating population size based on removal data computer program of size estimation with the Carle and Strub method).
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Bagliniére, E., & Ombredane, D. (1990). Choix et fibilité d'un modéle de rétrocalcul des tailles en écologie halieutique, mise au point d'un logiciel informatique (Vol. 319).
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Pouilly, M., & Souchon, Y. (1994). Simulation de l'habitat Physique du barbeau fluviatile (Barbus barbus L.): Choix des modeles biologiques et sensibilite de la response (Vol. 334).
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Pouilly, M., Valentin, S., Capra, H., Ginot, V., & Souchon, Y. (1995). Methode des microhabitats: Principes et protocoles d'application (Vol. 336).
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Ginot, V. (1995). EVHA, un logiciel d'evaluation de l'habitat du poisson sous WINDOWS (Vol. 337/338/339).
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Akamine, T. (1987). Comparison of Algorithms of Several Methods for Estimating Parameters of a Mixture of Normal Distributions (Vol. 37).
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Akamine, T., & Matsumiya, Y. (1992). Mathematical analysis of age-length key method for estimating age composition from length composition.
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Akamine, T. (1990). An interval estimation of Leslie's method in removal methods.
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Akamine, T., Kishino, H., & Hiramatsu, K. (1992). Non-biased interval estimation of Leslie's removal method.
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