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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Schwarz, M. Verbreitung und Habitatansprüche des Strömers (Leuciscus souffia Risso 1826) in den Fließgewässern der Schweiz 1996 45 111
Anwand, K. Untersuchungen über das Wachstum der Kleinen Maräne (Coregonus albulu L.) in einigen nordostdeutschen Seen 1996 Fischer & Teichwirt 146 1996 482-486
Manly, B. F. J. Are there Clumps in Body-Size Distributions? 1996 Ecology 497 77 81 - 86
Ledford, A. W.; Tawn, J. A. Statistics for near independence in multivariate extreme values 1996 Biometrica 499 83 169 - 187
Mayer, D. G.; Berlward, J. A.; Burrage, K. Use of Advanced Techniques to Optimize a Multi-dimensional Dairy Model 1996 Agricultural Systems 501 50 239-253
Mertz, G.; Myers, R. A. An extended cohort analysis: incorporating the effect of seasonal catches 1996 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 502 53 159-163
Silvert, W. Size-aggregation in models of aquatic ecosystems 1996 The Science of the Total Environment 515 183 107-114
White, G. C. NOREMARK: Population estimation from mark-resighting surveys 1996 Wildlife Society Bulletin 520 24 50-52
Schoblick, R. Installation ISDN-Anschluß, Selbsthilfe spart Geld 1996 Online-ISDN 539 6 30-33
Barrowman, N. J.; Myers, R. A. Estimating Tag-Shedding Rates for Experiments with Multiple Tag Types 1996 Biometrics 616 52 1410-1416