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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Clay, D. TUNE: A series of fish stock assessment computer programs written in FORTRAN for microcomputers (MS DOS) 1990 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. Iccat Recl. Doc. Sci. Cicta Colecc. Doc. Cient. Cicaa 32 443-460
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Criddle, K. R. Modelling dynamic fish populations 1991 82
Dahlberg, M. L. Computer program for analysis of the homogeneity and goodness of fit of frequency distributions, FORTRAN 4 1978 Fish. Bull. 76 285
Gascuel, D. [A simple adjustment method of age-length keys: Application to yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) catches in the East Atlantic.] 1994 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 51 723-733
Hoenig, J. M.; Prager, M. H.; Payton, N. B. Computer programs for investigating the effects of environmental events on a time series of recruitment 1989 48
Lewy, P. Integrated stochastic virtual population analysis. Estimates and their precision of fishing mortalities and stock sizes for the North Sea whiting stock 1986 17
Millar, R. B. A versatile computer program for mixed stock fishery composition estimation 1990 32
Misra, R. K. Fitting and comparing several growth curves of the generalized von Bertalanffy type 1986 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 43 1656-1659
Sparre, P. A method for the estimation of growth, mortality and gear selection/recruitment parameters from length-frequency samples weighted by catch per effort 1987 13 75-102