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Autor Hanel, R.   
  Titel Untersuchungen zur Wirkung der Wassertemperatur auf Wachstum der Axialmuskulatur bei frühen Entwicklungsstadien des Bodensee-Gangfisches (Coregonus lavaretus macrophthalmus) Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Institut für Zoologie und Limnologie Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten 66  
  Schlüsselwörter Coregonus lavaretus, Fisch, Entwicklung, Temperatur, Wachstum  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Universität Erscheinungsort Innsbruck Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Literaturverzeichnis ausgewertet Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 584  
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Autor Trauter, J.   
  Titel Genetische Variabilität innerhalb der Familie Coregonidae (Pisces) Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Fachbereich Biologie Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten 88  
  Schlüsselwörter Fisch, Genetik, Coregonus  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Universität Erscheinungsort Hamburg Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Literaturverzeichnis ausgewertet Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 1721  
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Autor Winkler, C.   
  Titel Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Ökologie des Strömers (Leuciscus souffia agassizi Val.) in nördlichen Bodenseezuflüssen Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Abteilung Ökologie und Morphologie der Tiere Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten 85  
  Schlüsselwörter Fisch, Leuciscus souffia agassizi, Nahrung, Wachstum, Alter  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Universität Ulm Erscheinungsort Ulm Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Literaturverzeichnis ausgewertet Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 1829  
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Autor Angermeier, P. L.; Smogor, R. A.   
  Titel Estimating number of species and relative abundances in stream-fish communities: Effects of sampling effort and discontinuous spatial distributions Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band 52 Ausgabe 5 Seiten 936-949  
  Schlüsselwörter Fisch, Fließgewässer, Habitat, Verbreitung  
  Zusammenfassung The authors sampled fishes and measured microhabitat in series of contiguous habitat units (riffles, runs, pools) in three Virginia streams. Monte Carlo simulations were used to construct hypothetical series of habitat units, then examined how number of species, similarity in relative abundances, and number of microhabitats accumulated with increasing number of habitat units (i.e., sampling effort). The curves indicated that 90% of the species present were usually found by sampling 5 to 14 habitat units (stream length of 22-67 stream widths). Estimates of species relative abundances required less sampling effort for a given accuracy than estimates of number of species. Rates of species accumulation (with effort) varied among streams and reflected discontinuity in species distributions among habitat units. Most discontinuity seemed to be due to low population density rather than to habitat selectivity. Results from an Illinois stream corroborated our findings from Virginia, and suggested that greater sampling effort is needed to characterize fish community structure in more homogeneous stream reaches.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Natl. Biol. Serv., Virginia Coop. Fish Wildl. Res. Unit, Virginia Polytech. Inst., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, USA Geprüft nein  
  Rufnummer 620 Signatur 2414  
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Autor Borregon, J. L.; Paredes, C.; Elorza, F. J.   
  Titel New algorithms for the statistical modelling of geological heterogeneous media: Comparative results Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten  
  Schlüsselwörter algorithms-; statistical-analysis; heterogeneity-; radioactive-waste-disposal; geology-; simulation-; aquifers-; geochemistry-; groundwater-pollution; pollution-control; waste-disposal-sites; environmental-protection  
  Zusammenfassung The characterization of an heterogeneous geological media can be approached by means of an statistical treatment of the field data. This lets us know its spatial variability behaviour, in probability terms. The algorithms presented in this work belongs to the scope of simulation of geological heterogeneous random fields. The aim of that characterization is related with the reseach studies of nuclear waste repositories in deep geological structures. Several stochastic generation algorithms are presented, based in the geostatistical regionalized variable, fractal geometry, and spectral Fourier theories. Some of them are deeply exposed here to their understanding. As a result of the paper, some comparative schemes are showed with numerical, geostatistical and spectral analysis of the implicit autorregresive generation methods.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition 0  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 241  
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Autor Fotland, A.; Mehl, S.; Sunnanaa, K.   
  Titel Methods of index calculation and presentation of fish abundance data using standard computer programs Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten  
  Schlüsselwörter fishery-management; fishery-statistics; stock-assessment  
  Zusammenfassung Standard 0-group indices and distribution maps are now produced based on hand-drawn maps using AutoCad with some additional procedures. This paper briefly describes the method. The paper further describes ways of importing coastlines and survey data directly into standard computer programs such as AutoCad and SAS. Standard methods are used for gridding data, producing isolines and further calculation of abundance indices and presentation of distributions. Interactive editing of distribution maps are made, which makes corresponding automatic updating of indices possible.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition 0  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 435  
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Autor Hiramatsu, K.; Akamine, T.; Kitada, S.   
  Titel Effectiveness of partial likelyhood of estimating fish mortality rates from tag recoveries and the stock composition in the mixed population based on genetic data Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
  Jahr 1995 Publikation NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI 1995 vol. 61 Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe 3 Seiten  
  Schlüsselwörter stock-assessment; tagging-; genomes-; fishing-mortality; mixing-ratio; mathematical-analysis  
  Zusammenfassung Because of the simplicity of calculation and the availability of evaluating the precision of the estimates, a partial likelihood approach has been used for estimating fish mortality rates from tag recoveries and the stock composition in the mixed population based on genetic data. We compare the partial likelihood estimator with the full likelihood estimator, and find that under some conditions, both estimators are the same. The above applications meet the conditions and hence the estimates using the partial likelihood are the same as the ones using the full likelihood. In this case, the partial likelihood approach is quite useful.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 676  
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Autor Leshkevich, G. A.   
  Titel Great Lakes CoastWatch program update Typ Buch
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band Ausgabe Seiten  
  Schlüsselwörter North-America,-Great-Lakes; monitoring-; decision-making; satellite-technology; coastal-waters; ecosystems-; data-transmission; environmental-monitoring; satellite-sensing  
  Zusammenfassung As the CoastWatch regional node for the Great Lakes, the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) is working to obtain and/or develop and deliver environmental data and products for near real-time monitoring of the Great Lakes to support environmental science and decision making. In support of this goal, GLERL is providing access to near real-time and retrospective satellite observations and in-situ data for the Great Lakes to Federal, state, and local agencies and academic institutions. There are currently nearly 40 regional CoastWatch users. The goals and objectives of the Great Lakes CoastWatch Program directly support agency statutory responsibilities in estuarine and marine science, living marine resource protection, and ecosystem monitoring and management. GLERL is currently receiving an enhanced digital image product suite of 26 images including satellite derived surface-temperature, visible and near-infrared reflectance, brightness temperatures, satellite and solar zenith angle data, and cloud masks from the NOAA-12 satellite. These products are downloaded from the NOAA Ocean Products Center (OPC) via INTERNET on a daily basis and archived at GLERL. Over 32,000 image products have been received and archived since becoming the Great Lakes CoastWatch Node in 1990. GOES-8 data is also currently being received.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition 0  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 1005  
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Autor Mertz, G.; Myers, R. A.   
  Titel Estimating the predictability of recruitment Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Fish. Bull Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band 93 Ausgabe 4 Seiten 657-665  
  Schlüsselwörter recruitment-; mortality-; developmental-stages; fishery-biology; fishery-management; environmental-factors; stock-assessment; Pisces-; population-dynamics; models-  
  Zusammenfassung A simple analytical technique is developed for estimating the predictability of recruitment, that is, correlations between recruitment and stage-specific mortalities or abundances. The method requires the input of estimates of the variability of stage-specific mortalities, which may be calculated from mean stage-specific mortalities by applying a published regression. It is shown that modification of this regression to compensate for sampling error in field measurements of abundance significantly reduces the estimated standard deviation of log-recruitment, which is an important factor in the predictability calculations. It is concluded that the prospects for predicting recruitment from egg or larval surveys or from environmental variables are quite poor for fish stocks showing the typical distribution of mortality across stages.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 1090  
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Autor Porch, C. E.   
  Titel Trajectory-based approaches to estimating velocity and diffusion from tagging data Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
  Jahr 1995 Publikation Fish. Bull Kurztitel der Zeitschrift  
  Band 93 Ausgabe 4 Seiten 694-709  
  Schlüsselwörter dispersion-; migrations-; tagging-; Pisces-; swimming-; models-; dispersal-; migration-  
  Zusammenfassung Several new models are developed to estimate the velocity and diffusion of a population from tagging data. The new estimators apply the inverse principle to the individual trajectories of recovered tags rather than to their local abundance. These models require fewer assumptions and less information than do published abundance-based methods. Techniques are presented for a variety of circumstances, and both discrete and continuous parameterizations of the velocity field are included. The sensitivity of the estimators to violations of the assumptions was examined numerically by using stochastic simulations. The results suggest that the estimators are fairly robust but may fail under certain conditions. Extensions to accommodate these situations are discussed.  
  Organisation Abschlussarbeit  
  Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor  
  Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel  
  Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe  
  Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Bereich Expedition Konferenz  
  Notizen (up) Zu bestellen Geprüft  
  Rufnummer Signatur 1295  
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