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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Pauly, D.; Prein, M.; Hopkins, K. D. Multiple regression analysis of aquaculture experiments based on the “extended gulland-and-holt plot”: Model derivation, data requirements and recommended procedures 1993 Iclarm Stud. Rev. 13-23
Porch, C. E. Trajectory-based approaches to estimating velocity and diffusion from tagging data 1995 Fish. Bull 93 694-709
Quartly, G. D. Altimeter repeat-track analysis -- a comparison of various algorithms for producing the mean profile 1995 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol 12 674-686
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Sparre, P. J. The data requirements for basic fisheries bio-economics 1994
Walters, C. Estimation of historical stock sizes and recruitment anomalies from relative abundance time series 1995 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat 52 1523-1534
Whitmarsh, D.; Voit, E. O.; Balthis, W. L.; Holser, R. A. A spreadsheet model of renewable resource exploitation – Hierarchical Monte Carlo modeling with S-distributions: Concepts and illustrative analysis of mercury contamination in king mackerel 1991
Arnason, A. N.; Mills, K. H. Detection of handling mortality and its effects on Jolly-Seber estimates for mark-recapture experiments 1987 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 531 44 64-73
Anonymus Die Fischfauna der unteren Iller 1987 13
McGarvey, R. An age-structured open-access fishery model 1994 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 525 51 900-912