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Lauer, T. (1992). Fleisch und Fisch.
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Cryer, M., Peirson, G., & Townsend, C. R. (1986). Reciprocal interactions between roach, Rutilus rutilus, and zooplankton in a small lake: Prey dynamics and fish growth and recruitment (Vol. 31).
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Crawford, T. J. (1984). What is a population? (B. Shorrocks, Ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
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Raymond, M., & Rousset, F. (1995). An exact test for population Differentiation (Vol. 49).
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Pielou, E. C. (1966). SHANNON's Formula as a Measure of Specific Diversity: its Use and Misuse.
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Lehmann, J. (1998). Meer- und Bachforelle des Rheinsystems (Vol. 23).
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Spiess, H. - J., & Waterstraat, A. (1993). Zur Ökologie von Fischen und Rundmäulern der Nebel (Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) und Ableitung von Schutzmaßnahmen (Vol. 32).
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Nunney, L. (1991). The influence of age structure and fecundity on effective population size (Vol. 1991).
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Husband, B. C., & Barrett, S. C. H. (1995). Estimating effective Population Size: A Reply to Nunney (Vol. 49).
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Wuenstel, A., Weiss, M., & Greven, H. (1998). Sohlsubstrat und Laichplatzwahl des Flussneunauges Lampetra fluviatilis in einem anthropogen überformten Fluß Nordrhein-Westfalens (Vol. 1).
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