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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Mayer, D. G.; Berlward, J. A.; Burrage, K. Use of Advanced Techniques to Optimize a Multi-dimensional Dairy Model 1996 Agricultural Systems 501 50 239-253
Lilliefors, H. W. On the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for the Exponential Distribution with Mean unknown 1969 Journal of the American Statistical Association 440 64 387-389
Haines, P. D. A Closed Form Approximation for Calculating the Percentage Points of the F and t Distribution 1988 Appl. Statistik 436 95-100
Multiple Regression 1984 223
Vergleich zweier Regressionskoeffizienten 1983 224
Schader, M.; Schmid, F. Distribution function and percentage points for the central and noncentral F-distribution 1986 Statistische Hefte 437 27 67-74
Helland, I. S. On the Interpretation and Use of R2 in Regression Analysis 1987 Biometrics 438 43 61-69
Trevors, J. T.; Lusty, C. W. A Basic Microcomputer Program For Calculating Ld50 Values 1985 Water, Air and Soil Pollution 30 24 431-442
Gustafson, T. L. Epistat 1984 Public Domain 15
Herrmann, D. Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Statistik – 30 BASIC-Programme 1983 Vieweg Verlag 429 70 70