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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Akamine, T. An interval estimation for the Petersen method using Bayesian statistics 1989 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 218 19-35
Akamine, T. An interval estimation for extraction using Bayesian statistics 1989 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 222 9-17
Smith, P. J.; Sedransk, J. Bayesian Optimization of the Estimation of the Age Composition of a Fish Population 1982 Journal of the American Statistical Association, Dec 191 77 707-713
Akamine, T. Estimation of parameter for Richards model 1988 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 206 187-200
Akamine, T. Evaluation of Error Caused by Histogram on Estimation of Parameters for a Mixture of Normal Distributions 1988 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 219 171-185
Akamine, T. Expansion of growth curves using a periodic function and BASIC programs by Marquardt's method 1986 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 207 77-107
Akamine, T. Consideration of the BASIC programs to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions 1985 Bull. Japan Sea. Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 205 129-150
Akamine, T. The BASIC program to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions with Marqualdt's method 1984 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 53-60
Schiemenz Über das Vorkommen des Edelkrebses in der Provinz Hannover als Grundlage zur Förderung der Krebsfischerei. II. 1939 Fischerei-Zeitung 42 399-402
Bless, R. Auswirkungen von Ausbaumaßnahmen an Fließgewässern auf die Fischfauna 1979 Deutscher Rat für Landespflege 176-178