Brunke, M., Schwörbel, J., & Wendling, K. (1995). Die Auswirkungen eines Flußtunnels auf die Fliessgewässerbiozoenose: Makrozoobenthon und Fischfauna (Vol. 24).
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Mertz, G., & Myers, R. A. (1995). Estimating the predictability of recruitment (Vol. 93).
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Porch, C. E. (1995). Trajectory-based approaches to estimating velocity and diffusion from tagging data (Vol. 93).
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Apfelböck, H. (1995). Schneller mit 32 bit.
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Chen, Y., & Jackson, D. A. (1995). Robust estimation of mean and variance in fisheries (Vol. 124).
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Hiramatsu, K., Akamine, T., & Kitada, S. (1995). Effectiveness of partial likelyhood of estimating fish mortality rates from tag recoveries and the stock composition in the mixed population based on genetic data.
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Peter, A. J. (1995). Lebensraumänderungen in Fließgewässern – eine fischbiologische Perspektive (Vol. 4).
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Quartly, G. D. (1995). Altimeter repeat-track analysis -- a comparison of various algorithms for producing the mean profile (Vol. 12).
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