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Eichert, R., Wetzlar, H. J., & Troschel, J. (1988). Die zehnfüssigen Süßwasserkrebse Mitteleuropas.
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Jungwirth, M., & Muhar, S. (1991). Gutachten zu möglichen Auswirkungen von Kleinwasser-Kraftanlagen auf Fließgewässer-Ökosysteme.
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Matthews, W. J., & Robison, H. W. (1988). The Distribution of the Fishes of Arkansas: A Multivariate Analysis (Vol. 2).
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Castro, M., & Erzini, K. (1988). Comparison of two length-frequency based packages for estimating growth and mortality parameters using simulated samples with varying recruitment patterns (Vol. 86).
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Cloern, J. E., & Nichols, F. H. (1978). A von Bertalanffy Growth Model with a Seasonally Varying Coefficient (Vol. 35).
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Moreau, J., & Moreau, I. (1987). Fitting of von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) with two growth checks per year (Vol. 3).
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Smith, P. J., & Sedransk, J. (1982). Bayesian Optimization of the Estimation of the Age Composition of a Fish Population (Vol. 77).
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Jinn, J. H., Sedransk, J., & Smith, P. (1987). Optimal Two-Phase Stratified Sampling for Estimation of the Age Composition of a Fish Population (Vol. 43).
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Allen, K. R. (1966). A Method of Fitting Growth Curves of the von Bertalanffy Type to Observed Data (Vol. 23).
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Schnute, J. (1987). A General Fishery Model for a Size-Struktured Fish Population (Vol. 44).
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