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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten (up)
Schmidt, S. Das andere Excel: Experimente im Spreadsheet 1995 c´t 504 202-206
-db Alles Wichtige über Gateways 1995 PC-Welt 507 130--134
-db Alles Wichtige über das Internet 1995 PC-Welt 508 102-128
Apfelböck, H. Schneller mit 32 bit 1995 PC-Welt 511 154-189
Raymond, M.; Rousset, F. An exact test for population Differentiation 1995 Evolution 516 49 1280-1283
Paller, M. H. Relationships among Number of Fisch Species Sampled, Reach Length Surveyed, and Sampling Effort in South Carolina Coastal Plain Streams 1995 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 522 15 110-120
Paller, M. H. Interreplicate Variance and Statistical Power of Electrofishing Data from Low-Gradient Streams in the Southeastern United States 1995 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 523 15 542-550
Wang, Y. G.; Thomas, M. R. Accounting for individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth model 1995 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat 524 52 1368-1375
Myers, R. A.; Cadigan, N. G. Statistical analysis of catch-at-age data with correlated errors 1995 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat 528 52 1265-1273
Hoenig, J. M.; Morgan, M. J.; Brown, C. A. Analysing differences between two age determination methods by tests of symmetry 1995 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat 532 52 364-368