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Autor Akamine, T.
Titel An interval estimation of Leslie's method in removal methods Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1990 Publikation Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. Nissuiken Hokoku Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe 40 Seiten 27-49
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, statistik, binominal, population, basic, listing, modell, methode
Zusammenfassung Leslie's method in removal methods is modeled into the joint of the binomial distributions. An interval estimation of p (removal ratio) and n (initial population size) based on the null hypothesis for p and n is easily obtained by the approximation of each binomial distribution to the normal distribution. The confidence region on the (p, n) plane is easily obtained by micro-computers. The maximum likelihood method for a point estimation and the convenient method on the curves of partial maximum likelihood for an interval estimation are also presented.
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Rufnummer 451 Signatur 2255
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Autor Akamine, T.; Kishino, H.; Hiramatsu, K.
Titel Non-biased interval estimation of Leslie's removal method Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1992 Publikation Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. Nissuiken Hokoku Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe 42 Seiten 25-39
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, statistik, modell, binominal, population, basic, listing
Zusammenfassung Leslie's removal method, which is used to estimate the initial population size and the removal ratio simultaneously, is modeled in terms of the product of binomial distributions. The approximation of these binomial distributions to the standard normal distribution presents a new method which has no bias for estimators. This is an improvement over the maximum likelihood method and the likelihood ratio test, and is essentially equivalent to a standard goodness-of-fit test. The confidence region on the 2-dimensional plane defined by the initial population size and the removal ratio gives each confidence interval. This region is defined by the chi-square distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.
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Rufnummer 452 Signatur 2256
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Autor Akamine, T.
Titel A new standard formula for seasonal growth of fish in population dynamics Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1993 Publikation NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI BULL. JAP. SOC. SCI. FISH. Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 59 Ausgabe 11 Seiten
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, wachstum, statistik, modell, population, theorie
Zusammenfassung This formula is based on the Richards formula, which includes well-known growth formulae, and is invariant for allometry. It is expanded by exchanging the independent variable from time to its function, in other words the cumulative water temperature. This standard formula includes the method of substituting values for the cumulative water temperature into the time term, the mathematical model of adding sine functions to the time term, and switched growth rate models. This standard model is given by general theory, which makes the character of parameters clear and helps to analyze the growth formula statistically.
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Rufnummer 453 Signatur 2257
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Autor Akamine, T.; Matsumiya, Y.
Titel Mathematical analysis of age-length key method for estimating age composition from length composition Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1992 Publikation Bull. Japan Sea Fish. Res. Inst. Nissuiken Hokoku Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe 42 Seiten 17-24
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, statistik, normalverteilung, lÄngenfrequenz, theorie, methode
Zusammenfassung In mathematics, the age-length key method is an estimating method for the ratio of each distribution in a mixture of distributions. Although the maximum likelihood method is the principle of this estimation, this model is a nonlinear model with a restrictive condition. At first, Hasselblad solved this model by using a new iteration method with a computer. Although his method was regarded as the steepest descent method or EM algorithm, it is proved to be an application of Lagrange's indeterminate multiplier method to the iteration method. Nowadays, there are other useful algorithms of optimization, especially Marquardt's method, for this estimation.
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Rufnummer 454 Signatur 2258
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Autor Wang, Y.; Mervyn, R. T.; Somers, I. F.
Titel A maximum likelihood approach for estimating growth from tag-recapture data Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 52 Ausgabe Seiten 252-259
Schlüsselwörter maximum-likeli, modell, capt-recapt, wachstum
Zusammenfassung The Fabens method is commonly used to estimate growth parameters k and l in the von Bertalanffy model from tag-recapture data. However, the Fabens method of estimation has an inherent bias when individual growht is variable. This paper present an asymptotocally unbiasses method using the maximum-likelihood approach that takes account of individual varibility in both maimum lenth and age-at-tagging. ...
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Rufnummer 463 Signatur 2264
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Autor Tipping, J. M.
Titel Measuring fish by video image processing Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1994 Publikation Prog. Fish Cult Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 56 Ausgabe 4 Seiten 299-300
Schlüsselwörter hardware, fische, methode
Zusammenfassung A microcomputer system that weighs and measures fish and records the data on a computer file was tested at two hatcheries. The device produced fairly accurate lengths and might save labor and reduce transcription errors.
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Rufnummer 466 Signatur 2267
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Autor Reger, K. H.
Titel Über die Flußperlmuschel Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1987 Publikation Fischer und Teichwirt Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe 8 Seiten
Schlüsselwörter muscheln, artenschutz
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
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Rufnummer 467 Signatur 2268
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Autor Labelle, M.
Titel A likelihood method for estimating Pacific salmon escapement based on fence counts and mark-recapture data Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1994 Publikation Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 51 Ausgabe 3 Seiten 552-566
Schlüsselwörter capt-recapt, methode, ML, modell, statistik, simulation
Zusammenfassung Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) escapements in natural streams are often determined by conducting fence counts in conjunction with mark-recapture operations. Typical field conditions are characterized by protracted floods, undetected immigration, variation in sampling rates, mortality during the census periods, small sample sizes, and few successive recaptures. Closed population models tend to overestimate escapement under such conditions, and traditional open population models cannot always be relied on due to the lack of sufficient data. A likelihood-based estimation method was specifically designed for such conditions. A distinguishing feature of this model is that individual recapture histories are not required for parameter estimation. The model is also structured to incorporate ancillary data in the estimation process to improve the precision and accuracy of the estimates. The model is described in detail, and suggestions are made to facilitate its application.
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Rufnummer 468 Signatur 2269
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Autor McGarvey, R.
Titel An age-structured open-access fishery model Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1994 Publikation Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 51 Ausgabe 4 Seiten 900-912
Schlüsselwörter modell, statistik, population, dynamik, algorithmus
Zusammenfassung A dynamic model for open-access fisheries is presented. In addition to density dependence in recruitment and fishing effort changing in proportion to the level of profit fishermen earn which characterizes previous open-access models, it incorporates full age structure for the fish stock, lognormal environmental recruitment variability, and gear selectivity. The predator-prey cycling solution of the original Schaefer dynamic model, and subsequent open-access models, persists for these model extensions. Density dependence in recruitment induces greater global stability. Environmental recruitment variability, common in marine populations, is destabilizing in the neighborhood of the open-access equilibrium. Approximating model steady states of effort and catch by the corresponding averages from data time series underlies a new algorithm of parameter evaluation, applied here to an open-access model of the Georges Bank sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery.
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Rufnummer 469 Signatur 2270
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Autor Conway, G. R.; Glass, N. R.; Wilcox, J. C.
Titel Fitting Nonlinear Models to Biological Data by Marquardt´s Algorithm Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1970 Publikation Ecology Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 51 Ausgabe 3 Seiten 503-507
Schlüsselwörter marquardt, statistik, methode, nichtlinear, algorithmus
Zusammenfassung Equations describing biological phenomena frequently have parameters entering nonlinearly. A highly efficient method for detemining the values of parameters in such equations that will give the best least-squares fit to a set of data is Marquardt´s algorithm. A step-by-step derivation of the algorithm is given in terms that require only the knowledge of elementary calculus and matrix algebra. As an example, the method is used to fit the logistic equation to a set of data.
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Rufnummer 471 Signatur 2272
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