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White, G. C. (1996). NOREMARK: Population estimation from mark-resighting surveys (Vol. 24).
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Law, P. M. W. (1994). Simulation Study of salmon Carcass Survey Capture-Recapture Methods (Vol. 80).
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Tai, C. - F., Hatch, L. U., Masser, M. P., Cacho, O. J., & Hoffmann, D. G. (1994). Validation of a growth simulation model for catfish (Vol. 128).
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Broekhuizen, N., Gurney, W. S. C., Jones, A., & Bryant, A. D. (1994). Modelling compensatory growth (Vol. 1994).
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Raymond, M., & Rousset, F. (1995). An exact test for population Differentiation (Vol. 49).
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Silvert, W. (1996). Size-aggregation in models of aquatic ecosystems (Vol. 183).
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Pöllnitz, C. v., Hille, S., & Schröder, G. (1994). Hämatologische Untersuchungen an gesunden und kranken Forellen – I. Virale Hämorrhagische Septikämie (VHS) (Vol. 80).
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Geier, R. (1994). Mathematik mit Pascal: Algorithmen für jedermann.
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Otto, T. (1994). Auf zufälligen Wegen zum Ziel.
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Apfelböck, H. (1995). Schneller mit 32 bit.
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