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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten
Die Störfischerei bei Glückstadt 1904 Fischerei-Zeitung 7 333-334
Gefährdung der Fischerei in der Unterelbe 1914 Der Fischerbote 6 69-70
Fangergebnisse der unterelbischen Fischerei 1904 Fischerei Ztg 7 527
Yamagishi, H.; Ishioka, K. Simulation study on the growth variation of fish with special reference to the sexual dimorphism in growth 1989 Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Tokaisuikenho. 202 1-16
Akamine, T. Evaluation of Error Caused by Histogram on Estimation of Parameters for a Mixture of Normal Distributions 1988 Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku 219 171-185
Chen, Y.; Jackson, D. A.; Harvey, H. H. A comparison of von Bertalanffy and polynomial functions in modelling fish growth data 1992 CAN. J. FISH. AQUAT. SCI. 411 49
Silvert, W. Size-aggregation in models of aquatic ecosystems 1996 The Science of the Total Environment 515 183 107-114
Soriano, M.; Moreau, J.; Hoenig, J. M.; Pauly, D. New functions for the analysis of two-phase growth of juvenile and adult fishes, with application to Nile perch 1992 TRANS. AM. FISH. SOC. 403 121
Clay, D. TUNE: A series of fish stock assessment computer programs written in FORTRAN for microcomputers (MS DOS) 1990 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. Iccat Recl. Doc. Sci. Cicta Colecc. Doc. Cient. Cicaa 32 443-460
Shoesmith, E. A comparison of methods for estimating mean fecundity 1990 J. FISH BIOL. 212 36