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Whitmarsh, D., Voit, E. O., Balthis, W. L., & Holser, R. A. (1991). A spreadsheet model of renewable resource exploitation – Hierarchical Monte Carlo modeling with S-distributions: Concepts and illustrative analysis of mercury contamination in king mackerel.
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Mohn, R. (1991). Length-Based Virtual Population Analysis; A Review and Swordfish Example.
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Guti, G., Andrikowics, S., & Biró, P. (1991). Nahrung von Hecht (Esox lucius), Hundsfisch (Umbra krameri), Karausche (Carassius carassius), Zwergwels (Ictalurus nebulosus) und Sonnenbarsch (Lepomis gibbosus) im Ócsa-Feuchtgebiet, Ungarn (Vol. 4).
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Ganguly, S., & Chaudhuri, K. (1991). A note on an extension of Schaefer's model (Vol. 55).
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Ragen, T. J. (1991). The estimation of theoretical population levels for natural populations.
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Sekine, M., Nakanishi, H., Ukita, M., & Murakami, S. (1991). A shallow-sea ecological model using an object-oriented programming language (Vol. 57).
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Lepetit, M., Loranchet, S., Gillet, P., & Marion, J. M. (1991). Un Logiciel De Traitement Des Histogrammes De Structure De Population Par La M+Thode Des Differences Logarithmiques De Bhattachary (Vol. 41).
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