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Akamine, T. (1986). Expansion of growth curves using a periodic function and BASIC programs by Marquardt's method.
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Robotham, P. W. J. (1977). Feeding habits and diet in two populations of spined loach, Cobitis taenia (L.) (Vol. 7).
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Wang, Y., Mervyn, R. T., & Somers, I. F. (1995). A maximum likelihood approach for estimating growth from tag-recapture data (Vol. 52).
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Misra, R. K. (1986). Fitting and comparing several growth curves of the generalized von Bertalanffy type (Vol. 43).
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Walters, C., & Ludwig, D. (1994). Calculation of Bayes posterior probability distributions for key population parameters (Vol. 51).
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Akamine, T. (1984). The BASIC program to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions with Marqualdt's method.
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Terceiro, M., Fournier, D. A., & Sibert, J. R. (1992). Comparative Performance of MULTIFAN and Shepherd_s Length Composition Analysis (SRLCA) on Simulated Length-Frequency Distributions (Vol. 121).
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Swain, D. P., & Sinclair, A. F. (1994). Fish distribution and catchability: What is the appropriate measure of distribution? (Vol. 51).
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Angermeier, P. L., & Smogor, R. A. (1995). Estimating number of species and relative abundances in stream-fish communities: Effects of sampling effort and discontinuous spatial distributions (Vol. 52).
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Fore, L. S., Karr, J. R., & Conquest, L. L. (1994). Statistical properties of an index of biological integrity used to evaluate water resources (Vol. 51).
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