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Myers, R. A., & Cadigan, N. G. (1995). Statistical analysis of catch-at-age data with correlated errors (Vol. 52).
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Akamine, T. (1989). An interval estimation for the Petersen method using Bayesian statistics.
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Akamine, T. (1989). An interval estimation for extraction using Bayesian statistics.
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Coppola, S. R., Fischer, W., Garibaldi, L., Scialabba, N., & Carpenter, K. E. (1994). Global species database for fishery purposes. User's manual.
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Sparre, P. J. (1994). The data requirements for basic fisheries bio-economics.
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Akamine, T. (1986). Expansion of growth curves using a periodic function and BASIC programs by Marquardt's method.
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Landrum, J. L. (1989). Simplification methods for the World Vector Shoreline. Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, NSTL Station, MS (USA).
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Ragen, T. J. (1991). The estimation of theoretical population levels for natural populations.
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Misra, R. K. (1986). Fitting and comparing several growth curves of the generalized von Bertalanffy type (Vol. 43).
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Baltzly, M., & Hendrickson, D. A. The new Desert Fishes Council World Wide Web server on Internet.
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